Affordable Housing Strategy
Consultation has concluded
*Update - January 2025*
The City of Fredericton Housing Needs Assessment is currently being updated for 2025 - visit: to participate or learn more!
About the Project
In 2021, the City of Fredericton undertook a Housing Needs Assessment. This study looked at the state of housing in the City, the population and housing demand forecasts for the future, and identified the key challenges of housing affordability in the community. The Housing Needs Assessment was an opportunity to gather and analyze information, identifying gaps and challenges. The study worked with government, service agencies, developers, real estate professionals and members of the community to illuminate the varied and complex situation of housing needs in Fredericton.
The next phase of the work, the Affordable Housing Strategy, is about identifying opportunities and solutions. The purpose of this work is to build off of the Housing Needs Assessment and move toward developing strategic solutions, engaging government, stakeholders and those who have experienced housing needs, in the process.
To learn more about the Housing Needs Assessment and the Affordable Housing Strategy, watch the short video located on the sidebar to the right of this page. You can also read the executive summary of the Housing Needs Assessment just below the video link. If you would like to read the full Housing Needs Assessment, please contact the Planning Department (see contact information below).
What is an Affordable Housing Strategy?
An Affordable Housing Strategy is a comprehensive approach, like a road map, for how to address housing challenges in the community - coordinating with service providers and varying levels of government to ensure everyone is heading toward the same destination. It is an action-oriented framework that is used to address housing affordability challenges at present and into the future. It lays out all of the tools available and makes recommendations about how those tools can best be used. These tools can be policy-driven, but can also be centered around strategic partnerships and opportunities for collaboration.
The Strategy is informed by the information gathered during the Housing Needs Assessment, and reflects the needs of residents in Fredericton, as well as the forecasted needs moving into the future. It will guide the City’s response to affordable housing and ensure that it is relevant to the needs of the community.
When will the Affordable Housing Strategy be completed?
The Strategy is currently in the Draft stage and will be finalized pending public review. It is expected that the Strategy will go before Council for adoption early this Summer.
Who’s involved?
The City of Fredericton Department of Planning is overseeing this work, with guidance from the Affordable Housing Committee. A consulting team is carrying out consultations, data analysis, and reporting. They are also working with organizations and stakeholders in the housing and social services sector, building off of the expertise of these sector professionals to identify tangible opportunities and solutions.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone directly about the Affordable Housing Strategy, please contact the City of Fredericton’s planning department at or by calling 506-460-2020.