SURVEY: Help Us Design a ParticiPark at Killarney Lake!

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The City of Fredericton is working with ParticipACTION to design a ParticiPARK at Killarney Lake. The goal is to create a design that envisions an animated and thriving community hub for people of all ages and abilities to get physically active.

The ParticiPARK is being designed by Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds and will exist within the natural environment. It will provide free and accessible stations that encourage physical activity in nature.

In June, ParticipACTION and the City hosted a public engagement at Killarney Lake Park to hear from residents about what they’d like to see in a ParticiPARK. There was food, play and fun activities for the whole family. Turnout surpassed our goals and we received SO much helpful feedback from the enthusiastic residents who came out. And those ideas, along with valuable feedback received from community organizations in Fredericton, formed the basis of the design renderings you can see on the sidebar.

Almost 300 people participated in a survey on Engage Fredericton in late September 2023 to share their thoughts on the design renderings. Feedback will use used to inform the final design - thanks to all who participated!

About ParticipACTION and ParticiPARKS

Thirty years ago, ParticipACTION built ParticiPARKS across the country in partnership with Kinsmen Canada (currently Kin Canada). Now, thanks to support from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund (HCCF), ParticipACTION and Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds are working with four communities across the country to design four unique parks.

The design phase of the ParticiPARK project is made possible by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

The City of Fredericton is working with ParticipACTION to design a ParticiPARK at Killarney Lake. The goal is to create a design that envisions an animated and thriving community hub for people of all ages and abilities to get physically active.

The ParticiPARK is being designed by Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds and will exist within the natural environment. It will provide free and accessible stations that encourage physical activity in nature.

In June, ParticipACTION and the City hosted a public engagement at Killarney Lake Park to hear from residents about what they’d like to see in a ParticiPARK. There was food, play and fun activities for the whole family. Turnout surpassed our goals and we received SO much helpful feedback from the enthusiastic residents who came out. And those ideas, along with valuable feedback received from community organizations in Fredericton, formed the basis of the design renderings you can see on the sidebar.

Almost 300 people participated in a survey on Engage Fredericton in late September 2023 to share their thoughts on the design renderings. Feedback will use used to inform the final design - thanks to all who participated!

About ParticipACTION and ParticiPARKS

Thirty years ago, ParticipACTION built ParticiPARKS across the country in partnership with Kinsmen Canada (currently Kin Canada). Now, thanks to support from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund (HCCF), ParticipACTION and Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds are working with four communities across the country to design four unique parks.

The design phase of the ParticiPARK project is made possible by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 19 Jan 2024, 01:13 PM