Local Callout: What Makes Fredericton, Fredericton?

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Consultation has concluded


Thank you for participating in the Fredericton Tourism Resident Survey: What’s Makes Fredericton…Fredericton. 

This survey is part of a large process that will help Fredericton Tourism determine their strategic direction moving forward as they continue to promote Fredericton as a travel destination.

We know the heartbeat of Fredericton lies with our residents and the results from this survey gave invaluable insight into what all of YOU feel are important attributes to our city. This information will continue to guide this process as the project continues over the next months.

Congratulations to two lucky respondents who were randomly chosen to receive prizes:

  • Jeff Fevens: winner of 2 Ultimate Passes to the Harvest Music Festival, and
  • Lana Lewis: winner of $600 in Downtown Fredericton Dollars.

Once again, thank you to everyone for taking the time to help with this project and we look forward to offering more information as the project comes to fruition.


Help Us Build Fredericton’s Brand Position for Visitors – You Could Win an Amazing Local Prize!

We all know that we locals know our city best, and Fredericton is full of lively, vibrant, passionate people.

You can help us tell our story to potential visitors. And as thanks, we’re offering up a pretty sweet prize.

Take our quick survey (just a few minutes!) and tell us what you love about this city. The History, people, cultures, restaurants, events, local shops, landscape, climate, environment – all of this combined creates a unique “thumbprint” or place identity. We want to know what people who live and work in Fredericton think creates our unique visitor experience.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered to win one of two amazing prizes:

  • 2 Ultimate Passes to the Harvest Music Festival 2022
  • $600 in Downtown Fredericton Dollars you can use to shop or dine.

But what’s even better? By participating in this process, you will be helping to preserve what you love about our city and express the true essence of what makes Fredericton…Fredericton. Fredericton Tourism will take this information and it will be the driving force for our marketing strategy as we move forward and promote Fredericton as a tourism destination in 2022, helping to infuse more tourism dollars into our community.

Remember to include your name and contact information at the end of the survey for a chance to win one of the prizes!


Thank you for participating in the Fredericton Tourism Resident Survey: What’s Makes Fredericton…Fredericton. 

This survey is part of a large process that will help Fredericton Tourism determine their strategic direction moving forward as they continue to promote Fredericton as a travel destination.

We know the heartbeat of Fredericton lies with our residents and the results from this survey gave invaluable insight into what all of YOU feel are important attributes to our city. This information will continue to guide this process as the project continues over the next months.

Congratulations to two lucky respondents who were randomly chosen to receive prizes:

  • Jeff Fevens: winner of 2 Ultimate Passes to the Harvest Music Festival, and
  • Lana Lewis: winner of $600 in Downtown Fredericton Dollars.

Once again, thank you to everyone for taking the time to help with this project and we look forward to offering more information as the project comes to fruition.


Help Us Build Fredericton’s Brand Position for Visitors – You Could Win an Amazing Local Prize!

We all know that we locals know our city best, and Fredericton is full of lively, vibrant, passionate people.

You can help us tell our story to potential visitors. And as thanks, we’re offering up a pretty sweet prize.

Take our quick survey (just a few minutes!) and tell us what you love about this city. The History, people, cultures, restaurants, events, local shops, landscape, climate, environment – all of this combined creates a unique “thumbprint” or place identity. We want to know what people who live and work in Fredericton think creates our unique visitor experience.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered to win one of two amazing prizes:

  • 2 Ultimate Passes to the Harvest Music Festival 2022
  • $600 in Downtown Fredericton Dollars you can use to shop or dine.

But what’s even better? By participating in this process, you will be helping to preserve what you love about our city and express the true essence of what makes Fredericton…Fredericton. Fredericton Tourism will take this information and it will be the driving force for our marketing strategy as we move forward and promote Fredericton as a tourism destination in 2022, helping to infuse more tourism dollars into our community.

Remember to include your name and contact information at the end of the survey for a chance to win one of the prizes!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is collecting the ideas and opinions of area residents to help us understand what makes Fredericton unique. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Local Callout: What Makes Fredericton, Fredericton? on Facebook Share Local Callout: What Makes Fredericton, Fredericton? on Twitter Share Local Callout: What Makes Fredericton, Fredericton? on Linkedin Email Local Callout: What Makes Fredericton, Fredericton? link