Actual help for the homeless
Create tiny homes in the downtown area by the Victoria hospital (2 people per house) . Offer a city clean up job to those interested in sharing one of the houses. With the house and the job are requirements tho. Must pay a minimum rent towards the house, will have small amount of pay put into a savings account each pay cheque. Have 6mnths to 1yr depending to find permanent housing so others can have turn to have help to get on their feet. Those interested in having help and getting on feet will be interested in the opportunity those not will dislike the idea. For those who have no interest in getting help offer an area in an industrial environment away from the populated parts orf the city for them to have a tent city with areas that visible shapes containers can be, volunteers or medical workers can check in and food donations can be dropped off as people want to help.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the plight of homeless people in our city. Your idea has been shared with staff.