Electricity hookup points for electric vehicles
All new apartment buildings should be required to install charging points at all parking spots. Existing apartment buildings should be required to retrofit their parking places to allow for charging. City parking meters should be retrofitted to allow for charging of electric vehicles.
Staff Feedback:
Thank you for this suggestion! With respect to Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure for Multi-Unit developments, city staff have been monitoring how other municipalities have been addressing the matter. There are varied approaches, and requirements seem to be more prevalent in larger municipalities where the respective provincial governments promote “subsidies” for electric vehicle ownership. City Staff will continue to track the trend, particularly with mid-sized municipalities which will help to inform how we approach future amendments in the Zoning By-Law in this regard.
As for City meters, staff is monitoring the use of autonomous and connected vehicles in accordance with our Parking Master Plan (2019) recommendations. Parking equipment and regulations will be updated and modernized in alignment with changes to vehicle technology and usage. In other words, as we replace old equipment, we'll modernize the meters and associated technology to allow people to plug in their vehicles.