Improved visibility at intersections
Owing to snow banks piling up on corners (in downtown and especially on hills, like at the corner of Kimble & Wetmore), visibility often gets very poor at intersections. In a couple cases it's basically a blind intersection by mid-January where you can't see far enough to be sure you are safe to drive into the intersection. At the same time, most of these intersections don't have enough traffic to justify traffic lights. Combined with poor traction & people's tendency to speed in the city, it's a real safety risk. I was traveling in Norway for work a few years ago and they have snow blowers that basically "shave down" the top of a tall snow banks and improve visibility - is that something we can do? Alternatively could we add more infrastructure to force a safe driving speed?
Staff Feedback:
Thanks so much for your idea! The City follows a snow control plan that identifies major intersections that snow is regularly removed from the corners to improve sightlines. In addition, Roadway Operations staff regularly monitor snow bank conditions throughout the City and snow is pushed back to open up sightlines where required and as staff resourcing permits. If there are specific locations where you see safety concerns throughout the winter, don’t hesitate to contact Service Fredericton at 460-2020 and our Roadway Operations staff will investigate.